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Company History

ShinYi Company was established in April 1992 as a professional full-process printed circuit board manufacturing company. Under the exceptional leadership of the president of the board, all employees of the company worked hard to make intimate and thoughtful services for customers. In just a few years, the company's performance grew rapidly. Therefore, based on the demand of the market, the company completed the expansion of the new plant in January 2006, and built a second plant in 2016 to invest in the SMT production line, which increased production capacity and provided one-stop service to meet customer needs.

2018/08 Investment in SMT business。
2016/05 Establishment of our second plant.
2010/03 Added FPCB production line.
2009/02 Successful HDI PCB research and development.
2006/01 Expanded our new plant.
1992/04 Shin Yi company started its first step in the PCB industry.
We offer an instant quote service that allows you to save on the inquiry time and understand the market price. It also allows us to know your needs more quickly and respond to the quote immediately.Fill out the quotation form and our dedicated staff will serve you as soon as possible.